Monday 22 October 2007


It has been a long time since I updated my blog and the only excuse that I have is of course: I was busy. And I really was busy with my work and zillion of other things. It is time to rest now in the mid term break and make up for the past few months of neglecting my reader(s) :-)
I am looking forward to this week a lot, mainly to recover from a nasty cold, but also to just BE and DO whatever I want no matter what. I like my one week lasting freedom :-)
I do not know about other countries but I suspect it is exactly the same as here in the UK, the Christmas ads are already on TV, some shops offer Christmas trees and decorations.....isn't that insane? (a rethorical question!!) It is time to enjoy autumn, with its multicolour leaves, first frost in the morning, cold afternoons, fogs or blindly sunny days. Whoever sets in motion the craziness of Christmas shopping should be sent to a desert island and kept there for at least a year.

See you all at Christmas time or earlier if I manage to find some time to write to all of you.

Thursday 26 July 2007

terrible weather part 2

Of course it rains all the time and is cold -15 celsius degrees. I have a feeling I live on the North Pole. Where esle would it be so cold? Anyway....just a few more days and I will be warming up in sunny and hot Poland. Can't wait!

Monday 2 July 2007


I am going to complain about the weather. A lot. It is complete craziness here! It is COLD and it RAINS ALL THE TIME! Have you ever had heating on on the 1st of July? We had and it was on yesterday! As soon as the school year is over I am going to Poland where hopefully summer is still going to be hot and dry!

Monday 18 June 2007

new home, new people...

My friend has kindly reminded me about updating my blog, which I am doing immediately after having finished our converssation. At first the fact, then lots of my thoughts. We live in a tiny village as they call them hamlet here where 140 people reside. We will have a chance to meet most of them next week during St. Peter's fun day to which we have been invited. There is no way we cannot go...everybody is expecting us whoever everybody is. We have been to a local pub which is literally a minute walk from our house. I do not like pubs too much, but this one was charming. Next time we are there I need to take some pictures to show them to you. And the village itself is as you already know microscopic, has probably 4 -5 streets, a church and the pub. There is not even a shop here! What is here is a great sense of peace, although some of the noise from the motorway can be heard almost all the time, apart from the nights. There are plenty of footpaths and bridleways which are great for short and long walks with our dog. The only bad thing about the location of this place is the distance to work...I have to spend up to 2h a day instead of 40mins before we moved here...that's a great difference, but I sort of like driving, it wakes me up and have time to think a little. Of course I wish I had a Ferrari instead of my fiesta ...

Thursday 3 May 2007

update is needed!

Yuya, it is only thanks to you that I am updating my blog today. I really should be better with it! So... life somehow goes on here, despite May in calendar the weather is fooling around with March temperatures. If things go well we will soon be moving to a new (still renting) house in a picturesque village where 140 people live. I can't wait!!! This is the only healthy excitement in my life, the rest is a stressful job with harmful excitements every day. But things are not that tragic as I might picture them to you...all depends on the attitude and it must be the right one, the positive and optimistic.
Everybody feel free to write your comments here and hopefully enjoy my pseudo blogging.

Thursday 12 April 2007

vanishing posts!

Can anybody tell me please, why is the main part of my blog vanishing? It is annoying!

Wednesday 4 April 2007

spring break

My two week half term break started on Monday and I am still stuck at home. I should be somewhere else right now and this thought is permanent in my head - 24h a day. Unfortunately I will probably be here for the rest of the time which is another 11 days so I have to do something to start enjoying it. As soon as my imagination is free from the images of the ideal place I would like to be in things should improve. For now I have to stand the current place and not lose my patience...